DVD The Runaway

“The Runaway" tells the story of a very unusual and complicated life of 88 year-old Kazimierz Piechowski, initiator of the most daring escape from Auschwitz, prisoner of the Stalinist regime, traveler and globetrotter.
Availability: lot quantity
Dispatched within: 4 days
Marcel Nadjari's Manuscript November 3, 1944. Conservation and legibility enhacement through multispectral imaging

The paper presents how, thanks to the application of a device recording the image in multiple wave spectrums, shocking account of an eyewitness of the Shoah in Birkenau gas chambers was read.
Availability: lot quantity
Dispatched within: 4 days
Photographs. Auschwitz I (10 pcs.)

A set of ten black and white photographs depicts the site of the former Auschwitz I camp.
Availability: lot quantity
Dispatched within: 4 days
Photographs. Auschwitz II-Birkenau (10 pcs.)

A set of ten color photographs depicts the site of the former Birkenau camp.
Availability: lot quantity
Dispatched within: 4 days
Τόπος Μνήμης Άουσβιτς-Μπίρκεναου.Oδηγός μουσείων

The guide contains basic information on the history of Auschwitz and clearly presents the exposure and routes of visiting the territories of former camps Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau. Situation plans, numbered exhibits and photographs allow for quick and easy finding of descriptions of visited places.
Availability: lot quantity
Dispatched within: 4 days