
E-BOOK Auschwitz from A to Z. An Illustrated History

E-BOOK Auschwitz from A to Z. An Illustrated History
E-BOOK Auschwitz from A to Z. An Illustrated History

The first of its kind: More than 300 concise articles, in alphabetical order, covering topics in the history of the largest Nazi German concentration camp and extermination center, Auschwitz-written for a general readership in a concise, accessible style.

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50,00 zł


E-BOOK Zalmen Gradowski - From the Heart of Hell. Manuscripts of a Sonderkommando Prisoner, Found in Auschwitz

E-BOOK Zalmen Gradowski - From the Heart of Hell. Manuscripts of a Sonderkommando Prisoner, Found in Auschwitz
E-BOOK Zalmen Gradowski - From the Heart of Hell. Manuscripts of a Sonderkommando Prisoner, Found in Auschwitz

A shattering testimony from the Shoah period In December 1942 Zalmen Gradowski, a young man with literary talent, was deported by the Germans from the Grodno ghetto to Auschwitz, along with his whole family.

Availability: lot quantity

Dispatched within: 4 days


30,00 zł


E-BOOK Voices of Memory 1. The Evacuation, Liquidation, and Liberation of Auschwitz

E-BOOK Voices of Memory 1. The Evacuation, Liquidation, and Liberation of Auschwitz
E-BOOK Voices of Memory 1. The Evacuation, Liquidation, and Liberation of Auschwitz

The accounts presented in 'Voices of Memory' are the testimony of particular people known to us by name, which is all the more reason to remember that the tragedy of Auschwitz is, at one and the same time, the tragedy of the more than one million victims, and also the tragedy of each individual person.

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Dispatched within: 4 days


30,00 zł


E-BOOK Voices of Memory 2. Medical Crimes. The Experiments in Auschwitz

E-BOOK Voices of Memory 2. Medical Crimes. The Experiments in Auschwitz
E-BOOK Voices of Memory 2. Medical Crimes. The Experiments in Auschwitz

Irena Strzelecka wrote in her historical outline: 'The SS physicians serving in the concentration camps, among them Auschwitz, played a special role. Violating the Hippocratic Oath, they participated in the mass extermination of the Jews, carried out the selections of newly arrived Jewish transports, and oversaw the killing process.

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30,00 zł


E-BOOK Voices of Memory 3. Medical Crimes. The Hospitals in Auschwitz

E-BOOK Voices of Memory 3. Medical Crimes. The Hospitals in Auschwitz
E-BOOK Voices of Memory 3. Medical Crimes. The Hospitals in Auschwitz

Irena Strzelecka's historical outline includes:

- the development of the camp hospital network,
- conditions and the medical treatment of prisoners in the camp hospitals,
- the extermination function of the Auschwitz hospitals,
- the hospital offices.

Availability: lot quantity

Dispatched within: 4 days


30,00 zł


E-BOOK Voices of Memory 4. Punishment in Auschwitz

E-BOOK Voices of Memory 4. Punishment in Auschwitz
E-BOOK Voices of Memory 4. Punishment in Auschwitz

Pursuant to National Socialist ideology, concentration camps were planned as the most effective instrument of terror against the political opponents of the Third Reich, as lawless territory where SS brutality and violence could have free sway.

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Dispatched within: 4 days


30,00 zł


E-BOOK Voices of Memory 5. Pregnant Women and Children Born in Auschwitz

E-BOOK Voices of Memory 5. Pregnant Women and Children Born in Auschwitz
E-BOOK Voices of Memory 5. Pregnant Women and Children Born in Auschwitz

The fifth volume in the "Voices of Memory" series is devoted to the youngest Auschwitz prisoners, the children born there and their mothers.

Availability: lot quantity

Dispatched within: 4 days


30,00 zł


E-BOOK - Voices of Memory 7. Roma in Auschwitz

E-BOOK - Voices of Memory 7. Roma in Auschwitz
E-BOOK - Voices of Memory 7. Roma in Auschwitz

The seventh edition of "Voices of Memory" about Sinti and Roma in Auschwitz. The Gypsy "family camp" ("Zigeunerlager") was established in February 1943 in Birkenau. A total of 21 thousand Gypsy prisoners were registered there.

Availability: lot quantity

Dispatched within: 4 days


30,00 zł


E-BOOK Voices of Memory 8. Poles in Auschwitz

E-BOOK Voices of Memory 8. Poles in Auschwitz
E-BOOK Voices of Memory 8. Poles in Auschwitz

We are proud to present a special volume in the Voices of Memory series. It is devoted to Polish prisoners of Auschwitz concentration camp.

Availability: lot quantity

Dispatched within: 4 days


30,00 zł


E-BOOK Voices of Memory 9. Jews in Auschwitz

E-BOOK Voices of Memory 9. Jews in Auschwitz
E-BOOK Voices of Memory 9. Jews in Auschwitz

The ninth volume in the "Voices of Memory" series is unique. Previous volumes presented such various aspects of the Holocaust of the Jews as medical experiments, punishments, evacuation and liquidation of the camp and the history and functioning of the gas chambers and crematoria.

Availability: lot quantity

Dispatched within: 4 days


30,00 zł

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