
E-BOOK Voices of Memory 10. From the Warsaw Uprising to Auschwitz

E-BOOK Voices of Memory 10. From the Warsaw Uprising to Auschwitz
E-BOOK Voices of Memory 10. From the Warsaw Uprising to Auschwitz

Seventy years after the outbreak of the military uprising in Warsaw, we wish to remind of the fate of those citizens of the Polish capital city who were deported to Auschwitz II-Birkenau in August and September 1944.

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30,00 zł


E-BOOK Voices of Memory 11. Soviet Prisoners of War in Auschwitz

E-BOOK Voices of Memory 11. Soviet Prisoners of War in Auschwitz
E-BOOK Voices of Memory 11. Soviet Prisoners of War in Auschwitz

„Voices of Memory” 11 is devoted to Soviet Prisoners of War. The first groups of POWs were brought to the camp in the summer and autumn 1941. Camp authorities established ‘camp for soviet prisoners of war’.

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30,00 zł


E-BOOK Voices of Memory 12. Women in Auschwitz

E-BOOK Voices of Memory 12. Women in Auschwitz
E-BOOK Voices of Memory 12. Women in Auschwitz

„Voices of Memory” 12 is dedicated to the women – prisoners of KL Auschwitz. The first transport of women arrived to Auschwitz on March 26, 1942. There were deported 999 German women from KL Ravensbrück.

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Dispatched within: 4 days


30,00 zł


E-BOOK Voices of Memory 13. The SS Garrison in KL Auschwitz

E-BOOK Voices of Memory 13. The SS Garrison in KL Auschwitz
E-BOOK Voices of Memory 13. The SS Garrison in KL Auschwitz

“Voices of Memory” 13 by Piotr Setkiewicz presents the daily life of SS-men in various sociological aspects: starting from their professional obligations, through family duties and ending with the issues of religion and education.

Availability: lot quantity

Dispatched within: 4 days


30,00 zł


E-BOOK Piotr M.A. Cywiński - Rampa obozowa w pamięci Żydów deportowanych do Auschwitz

E-BOOK Piotr M.A. Cywiński - Rampa obozowa w pamięci Żydów deportowanych do Auschwitz
E-BOOK Piotr M.A. Cywiński - Rampa obozowa w pamięci Żydów deportowanych do Auschwitz

Książka jest piątą częścią cyklu „Miejsce Prawdy”, który historię byłego niemieckiego nazistowskiego obozu koncentracyjnego i zagłady opisuje głosami świadków historii. Świadków, którzy piekło Auschwitz-Birkenau sami przeszli. Tym razem tragiczne przeżycia dotyczą pierwszego kontaktu z obozem zagłady – miejscem, gdzie skazani na Zagładę wysiadali z pociągów po wielodniowej wyczerpującej podróży.

Availability: lot quantity

Dispatched within: 4 days


25,00 zł

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