I. Bartosik, Ł. Martyniak, P. Setkiewicz - The Expansion of KL Auschwitz 1942-1945 in the Light of the Source Materials

This publication, based on more than 110 previously unpublished or little known documents, depicts the pace at which the Auschwitz complex was enlarged
Availability: lot quantity
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I. Bartosik, Ł. Martyniak, P. Setkiewicz - The Origins of the Birkenau Camp in the Light of the Sources

The Origins of the Birkenau Camp in the Light of the Sources is an analysis of one hundred little-known German documents, the majority of them published for the first time, bearing on the origins of the Birkenau camp and the first phase of its operation.
Availability: lot quantity
Dispatched within: 4 days
I. Bartosik, Ł. Martyniak, P. Setkiewicz - The Origins od the Auschwitz Camp in the Light of Source Materials

The Origins of the Auschwitz Camp in the Light of Source Materials is an analysis of almost one hundred previously unpublished or little-know German documents connected with the origins of KL Auschwitz and the first phase of its operation.
Availability: lot quantity
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I. Bartosik, Ł. Martyniak, P. Setkiewicz - The beginnings of the extermination of Jews in KL Auschwitz in the light of the source materials

Not published until today source materials make it possible to fill in to a considerable degree the historical knowledge about functioning of the first gas chambers in Auschwitz.
Availability: temporarily unavailable
40,00 zł
Andrzej Strzelecki - The Deportation of Jews from the Łódź Ghetto to KL Auschwitz and Their Extermination

This is the first attempt at a detailed account of the deportation of the Jews from the Łódź ghetto to Auschwitz concentration camp in August 1944, and their subsequent fate. Besides Polish Jews, Jews from the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, Germany, Austria, and Luxembourg had been confined in the ghetto since October and November 1941.
Availability: lot quantity
Dispatched within: 4 days
E. Bisaga, N.Jastrzębiowska, M. Maciaszczyk - Konserwacja dokumentów SS-Hygiene Institut / The Conservation of the SS-Hygiene Institut Documents

The authors of the publication work as conservators at the Preservation Department of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oświęcim. Thirty five thousand original records of the so called SS-Hygiene Institut collection have been preserved under the supervision of this team for last three years.
Availability: average quantity
Dispatched within: 4 days
Helena Kubica - The Extermination at KL Auschwitz of Poles Evicted from the Zamość Region in the Years 1942-1943

The book is devoted to the memory of the Poles whom the Nazis expelled from the Zamosc region. It concentrates on the fate of the people deported to Auschwitz concentration camp. There is a general introduction on the aims of the deportation and the way it was carried out.
Availability: lot quantity
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I. Bartosik, Ł. Martyniak - "The little white house". A history of extermination in bunker II"

A historical study of one of the first mass extermination facilities in Auschwitz: gas chamber, known as bunker II or „little white house“. Besides bunker I (so-called „little red house“), „little white house“ is clearly identified with a place of the beginning of Jewish extermination in Auschwitz.
Availability: lot quantity
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Igor Bartosik - Bunt Sonderkommando 7 października 1944 roku

7 października 1944 roku w obozie Birkenau wybuchł bunt zorganizowany przez więźniów tzw. Sonderkommando, zajmującego się spalaniem zwłok ludzi zamordowanych w komorach gazowych.
Availability: lot quantity
Dispatched within: 4 days
Igor Bartosik - The Sonderkommando revolt October 7, 1944

On October 7, 1944, the revolt of Sonderkommando in Birkenau camp broke up. Sonderkommando was a work detail, which members were responsible for cremating corpses of victims killed in gas chambers.
Availability: lot quantity
Dispatched within: 4 days