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Bohdan Piętka - Členové České obce sokolské v koncentračním táboře Osvětim

Jednou z nejdůležitějších funkcí, kterou osvětimský tábor plnil v systému nacistického teroru, byla izolace a likvidace příslušníků protiněmeckého odbojového hnutí a politických elit zemí okupovaných třetí říší.
To se týkalo především Polska; do tohoto tábora však byli deportováni i představitelé „vůdčího elementu“, jak je nacistická propaganda označovala, také z dalších zemí okupované Evropy, včetně Čech a Moravy
Availability: lot quantity
Dispatched within: 4 days
Marek Tomaszewski - Tarnów - KL Auschwitz. Pierwszy transport do piekła. First Transport to Hell

An exceptional collection of photographs depicting the deportation of the first Poles to the newly established German Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz, which took place 83 years ago on June 14, 1940, has been discovered and published.
Availability: lot quantity
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I. Bartosik, Ł. Martyniak, P. Setkiewicz - The Origins od the Auschwitz Camp in the Light of Source Materials

The Origins of the Auschwitz Camp in the Light of Source Materials is an analysis of almost one hundred previously unpublished or little-know German documents connected with the origins of KL Auschwitz and the first phase of its operation.
Availability: lot quantity
Dispatched within: 4 days
E-BOOK Voices of Memory 5. Pregnant Women and Children Born in Auschwitz

The fifth volume in the "Voices of Memory" series is devoted to the youngest Auschwitz prisoners, the children born there and their mothers.
Availability: lot quantity
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Helena Kubica - The Extermination at KL Auschwitz of Poles Evicted from the Zamość Region in the Years 1942-1943

The book is devoted to the memory of the Poles whom the Nazis expelled from the Zamosc region. It concentrates on the fate of the people deported to Auschwitz concentration camp. There is a general introduction on the aims of the deportation and the way it was carried out.
Availability: lot quantity
Dispatched within: 4 days
Forbidden Art: Illegal Works by Concentration Camp Prisoners

The publication includes texts of lectures which were held at the conference organized by the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Musuem in Oświęcim in October 2011.
Availability: lot quantity
Dispatched within: 4 days
Auschwitz Studies 30

The 30th issue of “Auschwitz Studies” contains a number of engaging articles on various subjects related to the situation at the area of the former Auschwitz camp after the war.
Availability: lot quantity
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Episodes from Auschwitz 1. Love in the Shadow of Death

“Love in the Shadow of Death” is the true story of two prisoners from the Auschwitz death camp – Mala Zimetbaum, a Jewish woman, and Edward Galiński, a Polish man.
Availability: lot quantity
Dispatched within: 4 days