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Auschwitz dalla A alla Z. Storia illustrata del lager

Auschwitz dalla A alla Z. Storia illustrata del lager
Auschwitz dalla A alla Z. Storia illustrata del lager

Oltre 300 articoli concisi, in ordine alfabetico, che trattano argomenti legati alla storia del più grande campo di concentramento e centro di sterminio nazista tedesco, Auschwitz, scritti in uno stile conciso e accessibile per un pubblico generale.

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70,00 zł


Auschwitz Studies 26

Auschwitz Studies 26
Auschwitz Studies 26

The main article of this issue written by Aleksander Lasik is devoted to the matter of citizenship among the SS personnel  at KL Auschwitz in the years 1940-1945. Contents: Andrzej Strzelecki - The initial deportation of Zagłębie Jews to KL Auschwitz as recorded in Nazi documents Aleksander Lasik - The matter of citizenship among the SS personnel  at KL Auschwitz in the years 1940-1945.

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30,00 zł


Auschwitz. A History in Photographs

Auschwitz. A History in Photographs
Auschwitz. A History in Photographs

The history of the Auschwitz concentration camp in documentary photographs: pictures of the construction and demolition of non-extant or partially extant buildings, the photographs of the extermination of the Jews in Birkenau (taken by the SS  men and illegally by Sonderkommando prisoners).

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160,00 zł


Episodes from Auschwitz 2. Witold's Report

Episodes from Auschwitz 2. Witold's Report
Episodes from Auschwitz 2. Witold's Report

The next in the series of illustrated historical books about Auschwitz is dedicated to the story of Witold Pilecki — soldier of the Polish Army during the Polish-Soviet War in 1920 and September 1939 invasion of Poland, he fought in the Polish resistance, the AK (Home Army), and as its member, he volunteered for Auschwitz. After the war, the Communist regime considered him a traitor of the Polish People.

Availability: lot quantity

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40,00 zł


I. Bartosik, Ł. Martyniak, P. Setkiewicz - The Origins of the Birkenau Camp in the Light of the Sources

I. Bartosik, Ł. Martyniak, P. Setkiewicz - The Origins of the Birkenau Camp in the Light of the Sources
I. Bartosik, Ł. Martyniak, P. Setkiewicz - The Origins of the Birkenau Camp in the Light of the Sources

The Origins of the Birkenau Camp in the Light of the Sources is an analysis of one hundred little-known German documents, the majority of them published for the first time, bearing on the origins of the Birkenau camp and the first phase of its operation.

Availability: lot quantity

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40,00 zł


Manfred Deselaers - And Your Conscience Never Haunted You? The Life of Rudolf Höß, Commander of Auschwitz

Manfred Deselaers - And Your Conscience Never Haunted You? The Life of Rudolf Höß, Commander of Auschwitz
Manfred Deselaers - And Your Conscience Never Haunted You? The Life of Rudolf Höß, Commander of Auschwitz

This book was written originally as Rev. M. Deselaers’ dissertation at the Papal Theological Academy of Krakow, Poland, with the title "God and Evil with Regards to the Life and Testimonies of Rudolf Höss, Commander of Auschwitz", and by the structure of its origin constituted a German-Polish bridge-building endeavor.

Availability: lot quantity

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60,00 zł


Stolen Childhood. Children Liberated in Auschwitz

Stolen Childhood. Children Liberated in Auschwitz
Stolen Childhood. Children Liberated in Auschwitz

The publication is dedicated to the fate of the youngest prisoners of the camp—750 children and minors who were present in Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau when the Red Army entered on January 27, 1945.

Availability: lot quantity

Dispatched within: 4 days


60,00 zł

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