Tadeusz Sobolewicz - Sono sopravvissuto dunque sono

Tadeusz Sobolewicz nasce a Poznań il 25 marzo 1923. Fino allo scoppio della guerra frequenta il ginnasio Paderewski di Poznań. Fa parte anche del 16˚ gruppo scout di Poznań, denominato “gen. J. Bem”.
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Andrzej Strzelecki - Voices of Memory 1. The Evacuation, Liquidation, and Liberation of Auschwitz

The accounts presented in 'Voices of Memory' are the testimony of particular people known to us by name, which is all the more reason to remember that the tragedy of Auschwitz is, at one and the same time, the tragedy of the more than one million victims, and also the tragedy of each individual person.
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40,00 zł
Bogdan Bartnikowski - Ritorni ad Auschwitz

Bogdan Bartnikowski è nato nel 1932 a Varsavia. Venne arrestato con la madre durante l’insurrezione di Varsavia, scoppiata il 1° agosto del 1944. Dapprima condotti al campo di smistamento di Pruszków (conosciuto come Durchgangslager 121), l’11 agosto vennero deportati nel campo di Auschwitz-Birkenau. Bogdan, all’epoca dodicenne, venne registrato con il numero 192731 e rinchiuso nel settore della quarantena maschile del campo di Birkenau, assieme ad altri ragazzi deportati da Varsavia.
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E-BOOK Voices of Memory 1. The Evacuation, Liquidation, and Liberation of Auschwitz

The accounts presented in 'Voices of Memory' are the testimony of particular people known to us by name, which is all the more reason to remember that the tragedy of Auschwitz is, at one and the same time, the tragedy of the more than one million victims, and also the tragedy of each individual person.
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Helena Dunicz Niwińska - Una violinista a Birkenau

Helena Dunicz Niwińska nasce nel 1915 a Vienna. La sua città natale è Leopoli, dove fino al 1943 abita coi genitori e coi fratelli. All'età di dieci anni inizia lo studio del violino nel Conservatorio della Campagnia Polacca della Musica. Negli anni 1934-1938 studia pedagogia, proseguendo la sua formazione musicale.
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A. Willma, I. Bartosik - Dans les crématoires d’Auschwitz

Le livre est en forme d'une interview qui a été réalisée il y a quelques années, au cours d'innombrables rendez-vous et entretiens de plusieurs heures, par ses auteurs : I. Bartosik et A. Willma avec Henry Mandelbaum. La partie principale du texte a été élaborée en 2003-2004, puis elle était régulièrement complétée. La rédaction du livre a été achevée en avril 2008, deux mois avant la mort de M. Mandelbaum.
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E-BOOK Voices of Memory 2. Medical Crimes. The Experiments in Auschwitz

Irena Strzelecka wrote in her historical outline: 'The SS physicians serving in the concentration camps, among them Auschwitz, played a special role. Violating the Hippocratic Oath, they participated in the mass extermination of the Jews, carried out the selections of newly arrived Jewish transports, and oversaw the killing process.
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Helena Dunicz Niwińska - Los caminos de mi vida. Memorias de una violinista en Birkenau

Helena Dunicz Niwińska (1915-2018) nació en Viena, pero procedía de Lviv, donde vivió hasta 1943 con sus padres y sus hermanos. Cuando tenía 10 años empezó a estudiar violín en el conservatorio de la Sociedad Musical Polaca. Durante los años 1934-1939 estudió pedagogía, mientras seguí con su educación musical.
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Irena Strzelecka - Voices of Memory 2. Medical Crimes. The Experiments in Auschwitz

Irena Strzelecka wrote in her historical outline: 'The SS physicians serving in the concentration camps, among them Auschwitz, played a special role. Violating the Hippocratic Oath, they participated in the mass extermination of the Jews, carried out the selections of newly arrived Jewish transports, and oversaw the killing process.
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40,00 zł
Tadeusz Sobolewicz - He sobrevivido para contarlo

Si alguien quiere saber cuál fue el destino de la juventud polaca cuyo deseo era luchar por la independencia de Polonia, qué significaba la detención por la Gestapo y el exilio a un campo de concentración, y además, en qué consistía la lucha por la supervivencia, debería leer “He sobrevivido para contarlo”.
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